Our fees and costs

See what fees and costs you pay as a Mercer Super member

Lower administration fees1, means more money in your super

What fees do members pay?  

All super funds charge fees to cover various costs related to your super account. These can include admin fees and costs, investment fees and costs, transaction costs to manage and invest your money, and insurance fees to cover premiums. At Mercer Super we’re committed to helping our members keep more of their money where it belongs – in their super account.

Administration fees and costs

From 1 April 2023, we changed our standard fees and removed the dollar-based administration fee for all members.   

We also reduced the asset-based administration fee to 0.10% for Mercer SmartPath members with a balance up to $500,000. For members in Mercer SmartPath with a balance in excess of $500,000, the asset-based administration fee has been reduced to nil for the amount of the balance over $500,000.2

Members also pay an estimated expense allowance range of between 0.00% to 0.05% per annum of their super account balance, and costs associated with product and strategic services, estimated to be 0.02% per annum of Mercer Super Trust assets.

Administration fees

  From 1 April 2023 (% per annum of your super account balance)
Investment Option First
Balance over
Mercer SmartPath 0.10% 0.00%
All other investment options 0.15% 0.00%

Investment fees and costs 

We also reduced our investment fees from 1 April 2023 for our Mercer SmartPath investment options.

Members also pay other investment costs. For Mercer SmartPath: Estimated investment costs of between 0.17% to 0.28% per annum of your super account balance, depending on which path you are in. For all other investment options (except Mercer Direct): Estimated investment costs of between 0.02% to 0.46% per annum of your super account balance depending on which investment option you choose.3

Investment fees

Path Investment fee
(% per annum of your super account balance)
Born prior to 1959
Born 1959 or later

How do I find out more about Mercer Super fees and costs?

You can see all of our standard fees and costs for all Mercer SmartSuper investment options in the ‘How Your Super Works’ guide which you can find online. The guide includes a table with a summary of the standard costs per year for each of our investment options for a $50,000 balance, which you can use to compare your Mercer Super with other super funds and investment options.  You can also check your annual statement which will show the total dollar value charged in fees for the statement period.

If you’re a member of an employer sponsored plan – your fees may be the same as, or less than, our standard fees.

Join Mercer Super today!


Become a Mercer Super member and join 950,0004 plus other Australians enjoying the benefits Mercer Super offers


1 ChantWest MySuper Default Fee Tables June 2024 – for $50,000 and $100,000 account balances. Fees are for Mercer SmartSuper - SmartPath® (our MySuper product) as at 30 June 2024 for total administration fees and costs. Chant West uses our 1964-1968 investment option for purposes of comparison with other MySuper funds. You may pay less than this if you are in an employer plan with discounted fees. For more details on fees for each of our SmartPath options, or if you’ve chosen your own investment option/s, go to the ‘How Your Super Works' guide online. Fees and costs can vary from year to year. Past fees and costs are not a reliable indicator of future fees and costs. Fees and comparisons may differ for other investment options and account balances.

2 Excluding investments in Mercer Direct where the asset based administration fee remains unchanged – and is applied to the total of your account balance invested in Mercer Direct. 

3 The investment costs and transaction costs are as at 21 March 2024 and are based on the actual information available and/or reasonable estimates for the financial year ending 30 June 2023. Fund expenses and performance based fees are based upon the latest information provided by the underlying investment managers, and are based upon the historical expenses and performance based fees for the actual assets held by the Mercer Super Trust as at the effective date of the Mercer SmartSuper PDS. For some investment managers, the expenses and performance based fees are based upon the twelve months to 30 June 2023, and for others, earlier dates. Where earlier dates have been used, they represent the latest information provided by investment managers, and we expect them to be similar for the 30 June 2023 financial year. Investment and transaction costs may vary from year to year. For more details see ‘Investment costs ’ and ‘Transaction costs’ in the ‘Additional explanation of fees and costs’ section of the How Your Super Works Guide online.

4 Mercer Super member numbers reported to APRA for June 2024 was 952,263.

Issued by Mercer Superannuation (Australia) Limited ABN 79 004 717 533, Australian Financial Services Licence #235906, the trustee of the Mercer Super Trust ABN 19 905 422 981 (‘Mercer Super’). The value of an investment in the Mercer Super Trust may rise and fall from time to time. Neither MSAL nor Mercer (Australia) Pty Ltd (Mercer) guarantees the investment performance, earnings or return of capital invested in the Mercer Super Trust. Any advice is of a general nature only, and does not take into account the personal needs and circumstances of any particular individual. Prior to acting on any information, you need to take into account your own financial circumstances. Please consider the Product Disclosure Statement, Product Guide, Insurance Guide, Financial Services Guide and Target Market Determination (TMD) before making a decision about the product, or seek professional advice from a licensed, or appropriately authorised financial adviser if you are unsure of what action to take. Past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. Please also read and note the Care and Living with Mercer Terms of Use when accessing, browsing or using the services made available to you.